

Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the data used in this website come from?

The data comes from the SESNSP (both victims and 'carpetas delictivas') and from the INEGI. The population data comes from the CONAPO projections (2015-2030)

Is the source code available?

Yes, it's available from GitHub

I really liked the hexagonal map on the frontpage, how can I make one?

You can use the mxmaps R package to create hexbin maps of Mexico (and also lots of other kinds of maps)

Is there an R package for working with INEGI homicide data?

Yes, you can use the mxmortalitydb package

How often is the website updated?

Around the 20th of each month

How often is the INEGI homicide data updated?

It's usually updated at the end of the year and preliminary data is available around July, but there is no set date to release the data

Where do the state and municipio codes and names come from?

They come from the Catálogo de entidades federativas, municipios y localidades del INEGI

I tried calculating rates with the population data and I got a different value than what appears on your webpage

The rates shown on this website are annualized (multiplied by 12) and use 30 day months, so you have to divide the homicide numbers by the number of days in the month and then multiply by 30

Is this website affiliated with the Mexican government?

No, it's completly independent

How can I contact you?

You can contact me by using the information in the footer or using the form available at: https://www.diegovalle.net/contact/

Additional Info: Privacy Policy